college life

hello everyone how r ya?me im not 2 shabby xcept 4 tha fact that spring break is offically over and i didnt see not one of my friends!
it seems that since ppl have gone away for college i dont have a single "real"friend!and yes i know it was my decision 2 stay back and not go away 2 skool but nstead stay here and do community college..i sumtimes i guess i just feel sorta tellin ya if it wasnt 4 my big sis i dnt think i would ever have any fun or sumone 2 talk 2..i dont wanna b bitter 2 anyonw but i guess im just a little sad..i can pretend all i want that iam ok but at tha end of tha day ima lil lonely..
maybe thats why ive opped 2 not ever get 2 close 2 anyone or feel dependant upon sumone bcuz i know wut eventually happenes....
so maybe thats wut im rechin out 4..maybe im reachin pit 4 a piece of myself that i ddint kno i was missin until now....
college life..dont be like and stay behind otherwise ull just be left n tha crowd..un-noticed..forgotten...
i guess u can say im usin this time 2 find myself..who i really am as a person...and im realisin that maybe i dont need long as i have my family and God on my side ill b ok without them..i mean how hard is it 2 pick up a phone n check in with sumone..its not brain surgery..its called being a friend....but still i get lonely every now and then....
well til'next time..

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