
Making the decision to go back to school has seriously stressed me out!!! Im so worried about passing this test inorder to even get acceptted into the program. Its all making me feel kind of slow lol. Forreal im like now I know I havent been out of school that long how did I forget how to do this crap (its been two years)-side note I guess those cheat sheets have gotten up to me lol. Yes Ill admitt I cheated in HS but who didnt so dont judge me lol. It's not really that bad its all coming back to me...kind of slowly but as long as it kickis into gear before I take this test Im all good with that!

Not much been up except for that and working with my adorable, and fiesty residents. Lol they be giving me so much attitude at work I seriously love it!

I have no clue what is going on with me but since of I'd say the weekend whoops scratch that Monday I havent really been in the going out mood. It's a friends birthday today and man I just im stuck I said I was going to go out with her get us girls a little hotel room and just go out with the girls but I just wasnt feeling it today so I know a big FAIL on my part...I knew something was up with me when I found out (notice I said when I found out cause them hoes aint invite me!)that my sister and some folks was at they hous drinking and hangining out. Normally I would have just went over and crashed lol but I was like oh whatever Im going to bed or actually I dont remember what I really did but I know I didnt leave this house!

We'll see if Im out of this mood by tomorrow Im supposed to be going to lunch with a co-worker so that we can help eachother through this school thing. Im stronger at some of the things that shes weaker at and vice versa so this is a great combo!Now all I gotta do is drag my myslef and my brain down to that restuarant..maybe the food will put some spark in me?!

Anywho lol just getting a few things off of my mind as usual carry on!

-sidenote watching the president he's too cool for school man lol!!


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Hello everyone sorry its been so long since I've last updated with a
"real" post!!!

So this will be a quick update post.

Not much has been going on just doing alot of "me" things and as selfish as that may solund it was past due lmao. Ive recently decided to go back to school and tackle the next stepping bridge in nursing (pray for me!) and im actually excited about it! I hope I pass this test so that I can first get accepted into the program and secondly move forward in life! Im really really looking forward to seeing if I got what it takes and if I do....lets just say ill be a happy camper dont want to spoil the surprise just yet :)....

Lets see Ive also been spending alot of time with the fam. I think as you get older you forget that it's the simple things that counts and boy is my family a fool so that makes it count like 1000% more lol.

Me and mr whatever name I gave him is well i dont know. I mean I guess im not really that focused on him right now or actually any other guy (unless its the right guy and right time and blahzay blahzay blue). Just checking for I guess alittle fun or friendship hell i dont know yet to be honest lol?! I want to get back to me. To many times Ive made a post about how someone has upset me and its time to kick that shit to the curb. Its a new year and Im not trying to hear or be around any bs. Like I said Im focused on me and since making this decision Ive been super duper happy<--I know that was corny BUT so dont judge me....Lol

Im just so over the drama and headache it makes me want to scream (literally lol)and when you're through you're through trust me my contact list in the SK has gotten alot thinner lmao

Besides all of that I will say that I have been digging spending time with old friends and playing "catch up". My friends freaking rock whether you're old or new.

Let me put this in here-->If Ive spoken to you recently then DUHH this post isnt about you lmao


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CraigLewis sings The Brady Bunch

LOOOOL!!! I CANT!!! they can sang yes ma'am

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