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BOOOOOOOOOOOOMTASTIC yall already know I'm there on the 5th right lol gotta support my Janet!

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Guess Who!!

Hello, bloggers!

Wow I can't believe I haven't been on to post since May that's crazy!And really there is no reason except for the fact that I kind of forgot I had a blog, then when I would remember I didnt feel like getting on and then you know summer came and yeah lol. But now that we are back in action I feel like I have sooooo much to post about just dont know where to start. You would think that after five months of no posting I'd be all over the place with a super duper exciting post WRONG! lol.

Not much to say especially since I decided to go "into hiding" for awhile from pretty much everyone. I kind of just got fed up and decided that I would be unreachable but after some thinking and some time away from friends I'm finally ready to get back out there sometimes I need that away time. May sound crazy but whatever!

I hope everyone had a great summer and a great start to fall! I'm excited all the holidays are starting to roll again. Halloween's almost here and I must say this that if anyone over the age of 14 comes ring my door bell talking about some trick or treat and there is not a child present with you I will be shutting the door in your face lol none of that nonsense!!

Anywho I got to go talk to yall next time.I promise it won't take five months lmao

ALSO HEAD OVER TO I havent updated that one since December (I know bad) BUT a new poem will be coming shortly :)

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Late posting..

I havent been on my blog in a minute no reason really just haven't had the urge to make a posting and even now I haven't a clue as to what I want to say!

It's summer time and this summer I plan on having fun with my girls and just not even focuss on you guys. Shaking my head why can't you guys just act right hu hu HU?lmao. You know the saying one messes it up for all..well in this case more like a few lol :). I just I don't know I'm not feeling it anymore I'm the only one trying and hell its even gotten to the point where I dont even care if we speak most days. I mean why should I obviously you're not to concerned with me cause my phone sure as hell has not been blowing up with you're name next to it. So kanye shrug and keep trucking!

Today was alot of fun the food the laughs just it all. Sometimes all you need is some good friends and laughs to make you forget all the nonsense..or a couple shots of vodka haha kidding!

Have ya'll seen my girl Janets new cut ahhhhh JJ is working it!

Front view

Back view

And her and mr. yummy lmao get it girl!!!

Let me roll up out of here it's late <3

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I know its been such a long time and I dont even have an excuse as to why I havent updated you :( lol. I just haven really been in the "writing" mood so I let it be for awhile.But I'm back!So how have you guys been?As always I hope all is well!

Lets see what I can I update with..AH yes my birthday!Finally hit the big 2-0 gosh I'm getting old lol.It was fun though we had a cool little family function for it and for once a get together were NOBODY fought anybody there were no arguements everyone just kind of chilled. Can ya'll believe that I didnt even drink yes me Tiffany my stomach was not up for it on my own birthday!!!Probably because my wack sister gave me her virus and I was still in "recovery" yes YOU punk lol.It's cool though I'll make up for it at our next function so get ready to clean up my trow ups lol :)

School is almost finished and Im super pumped about it. Iam ready for summer time to break out the flip flops throw on the shades slide back the sun roof and go to the zoo yes I did say the zoo ya'll know I love my animals ooouuuccchhhh good times to come!!!

enjoy the rest of your day and Im not going to promise that I'll update in a few days its just not possible with me lately lol

hugs and kisses to all *muah*

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Mini tiny post..

First of all hello to my new readers!-Old readers I havent been posting in awhile and for that I apoligize :)

-Anywho how have we all been?Me for a change I have been pretty good I really dont have anything I want to fuss about this time lol but I dont want to jinx it so *knock on wood*. Im just...Im happy I mean school is still stressful but school is supposed to be that way so no need to drag that out lol. However I 've been talking to this guy and I dont know what he's done to me guys but I really like this one :)!!!!

Pump the break and wait I do want to point out yet again for the incompetent folks leave what the hell I say on the blog cause when you go around running your mouth you twist up my words which I dont know how you can do that but whatever..this is like my venting session lmao

I have to go just stopping by for a quick blog temp change and to say hey!

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Hey guys finally got my blog set up through my sidekick perfect for times like this!
I just have so much on my mind right now that even I don't know where to begin.Of course without naming any names (i do like to stay jump into it shall we?

First lets start with a question am I the only person sick of always having to be the "reacher"sort to speak?I mean its almost like if I dont reach out then theres nothing. I guess its not that big of a deal I just...maybe this post wasnt a good idea since I'm choosing to give up to many details it almost makes telling this story kind of pointless!Well maybe the "who's" Ima referring to will read it and catch a clue, yeah that's like slim to none lol

Its not that I cant give all the details its just those nosey people that know me know me that read my blog (which is cool I wouldnt have a blog if I didnt mind people reading it)however what I write about and the things that I say rather it be on here twitter or my FB is how I feel and I should be able to say whatever I want to say without YOU or YALL gossiping because at the end of the day just because yall know my fam doesnt mean you know ME.And dont say it doesnt make since because YOU know what Im talking about and YOU know it does ;).childdddd that really struck a nerve within me leave what I say where I said it lol...

Iam all off subject of what I initally wanted to talk about!see how my mind runs can't even keep my thoughts seperate!*screamssssssss*anywho this is really just a rant obviously see how choppy this post is.Getting back into the swing of things upcoming post will be an "update"so much has happened!

catch yall laterr

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Annoying guys..boy bye!

First how we liking the new layout??...anywho lol

Let me tell ya'll I gave this guy my number which normally I dont do but I was like he seems cool everytime I see him we chat and everythings everythings..NO! mistake a BIG one.Homeboy been blowing my phone up textin me at three o'clock in the mornin wakin me up seeing if I'm still up um wtf go somewhere with that. Time to start duckin and dodging then maybe he'll just go away otherwise Im gonna have to be mean and I dont wanna do that *sigh* I was gearing up to type this I kid you not he texted me ugh boy bye PLEASE!

Besides homeboy wasnt giving me no excitement. I enjoy being single so when scratch that IF I do decide that I want to settle down and get serious with someone they gotta be a great catch and keep my interest because as ya'll may know by now I get bored and uninterrested easily..Im sorry but its the truth lmfao. I dont see why people make it seem like its such a drag or a bore or its too lonely to be single. But honestly I'll take my lonely (not very often) days over a stressful, drama-field relationship any day. Besides theres nothing wrong with getting a little lonely every now and then because lets face it everyone gets lonely rather you wanna admit to it or not, its when you get desperate thats where it becomes an issue and honey child that is one thing that iam not is desperate!..anywho I think im all off subject and rambling about lol..

In other news lol, I passed my test and now Iam able to enter into the program and go to school. I aint never been so stressed out over a test in my life lmao...I barelly passed but as my sister says a pass is a pass lol...Whew and that math...can we just say I said a prayer and me and my Lord was seeing eye to eye and he worked it out for me forreal lol..thank you God!!!!

Thats all I feel like sharing right now cause my tummy is rumbling and sreamin for me to feed it. catch ya'll later!


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Making the decision to go back to school has seriously stressed me out!!! Im so worried about passing this test inorder to even get acceptted into the program. Its all making me feel kind of slow lol. Forreal im like now I know I havent been out of school that long how did I forget how to do this crap (its been two years)-side note I guess those cheat sheets have gotten up to me lol. Yes Ill admitt I cheated in HS but who didnt so dont judge me lol. It's not really that bad its all coming back to me...kind of slowly but as long as it kickis into gear before I take this test Im all good with that!

Not much been up except for that and working with my adorable, and fiesty residents. Lol they be giving me so much attitude at work I seriously love it!

I have no clue what is going on with me but since of I'd say the weekend whoops scratch that Monday I havent really been in the going out mood. It's a friends birthday today and man I just im stuck I said I was going to go out with her get us girls a little hotel room and just go out with the girls but I just wasnt feeling it today so I know a big FAIL on my part...I knew something was up with me when I found out (notice I said when I found out cause them hoes aint invite me!)that my sister and some folks was at they hous drinking and hangining out. Normally I would have just went over and crashed lol but I was like oh whatever Im going to bed or actually I dont remember what I really did but I know I didnt leave this house!

We'll see if Im out of this mood by tomorrow Im supposed to be going to lunch with a co-worker so that we can help eachother through this school thing. Im stronger at some of the things that shes weaker at and vice versa so this is a great combo!Now all I gotta do is drag my myslef and my brain down to that restuarant..maybe the food will put some spark in me?!

Anywho lol just getting a few things off of my mind as usual carry on!

-sidenote watching the president he's too cool for school man lol!!


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Hello everyone sorry its been so long since I've last updated with a
"real" post!!!

So this will be a quick update post.

Not much has been going on just doing alot of "me" things and as selfish as that may solund it was past due lmao. Ive recently decided to go back to school and tackle the next stepping bridge in nursing (pray for me!) and im actually excited about it! I hope I pass this test so that I can first get accepted into the program and secondly move forward in life! Im really really looking forward to seeing if I got what it takes and if I do....lets just say ill be a happy camper dont want to spoil the surprise just yet :)....

Lets see Ive also been spending alot of time with the fam. I think as you get older you forget that it's the simple things that counts and boy is my family a fool so that makes it count like 1000% more lol.

Me and mr whatever name I gave him is well i dont know. I mean I guess im not really that focused on him right now or actually any other guy (unless its the right guy and right time and blahzay blahzay blue). Just checking for I guess alittle fun or friendship hell i dont know yet to be honest lol?! I want to get back to me. To many times Ive made a post about how someone has upset me and its time to kick that shit to the curb. Its a new year and Im not trying to hear or be around any bs. Like I said Im focused on me and since making this decision Ive been super duper happy<--I know that was corny BUT so dont judge me....Lol

Im just so over the drama and headache it makes me want to scream (literally lol)and when you're through you're through trust me my contact list in the SK has gotten alot thinner lmao

Besides all of that I will say that I have been digging spending time with old friends and playing "catch up". My friends freaking rock whether you're old or new.

Let me put this in here-->If Ive spoken to you recently then DUHH this post isnt about you lmao


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CraigLewis sings The Brady Bunch

LOOOOL!!! I CANT!!! they can sang yes ma'am

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