candy bring yo sisters 2 tha pc!-i luv this part/song*
Father Can You Hear Me? - Diary Of A Mad Black Woman
janet jackson - if (live)
yall kno her name let me remind yall of wut she can do-GET IT GURL!i luv ya *smooches*
Hey dolls!
Follow me on twitter guys! cya there *smooches*
Janet and JD havinh rocky moments?!
In the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, why on earth has Janet Jackson’s longtime lover Jermaine Dupri been?Last week reports surfaced that the music masterminds had broken up, however Pop Tarts has learned that there is still a chance for reconciliation between the two.“Jermaine has decided to take a step back and cool things off but they aren’t totally broken up,” said an insider, adding that keeping his distance from the press and Jackson family is his way of dealing with death and tragedy.We’re told Jackson and Dupri’s romance turned rocky last September when Janet’s album “Discipline” (produced by her beau) flopped and she was then released from her contract with label Island Def Jam per her request. To make matters worse, at the time Dupri was President of the label’s Urban Music division, although he stepped down in January of this year.But despite the hiccups, the music moguls worked through it and just a few weeks prior to Michael’s death they even enjoyed a getaway together in Monaco along with Jermaine Jackson and his partner Halima Rashid.“They will be back together in full force very soon,” said a source.Janet told Pop Tarts last year that although Dupri was “the one” she had no intention of tying-the-knot.“In this day and age, I feel we don’t need that piece of paper. For myself I don’t need that to validate what I have with someone,” she said. “It’s about a spiritual commitment and finding your soul mate and not really exchanging vows with one another, that’s enough for me at least.”Another source close to Dupri said that about a month before MJ died he made the decision to “take a break” as they wanted different things.“Janet wanted to start a family but that’s not what Jermaine wanted,” said the pal. “But everyone is confident they will work it out.”A rep for the pair did not respond for comment.
All i can say is Jd get yo act 2gethere dont b leavin my gurl J high n dry!..u guys can work things out..u gotta...sad sad..
Ugh is all i can say!
Hey dolls!
Not a very good day for sick of doing all of this job huntin and seeing no results.anyone else having this problem?ive filled out applications and i have i gotten anything?i cant even get a job at a nursing home which is what i went to skool(even tho iam changin my major) for ok wtf?!i thot u guys were in such a "demand for nusres"!yeah w/e losers!
While out job huntin i was ridin behind this grandma on a one laner street.o Lord forebid her to go over 25 miles!!..ok i need to stop and breath just frustrated i need a job like yesterday..i guess its time for me to hike this skirt up put on some clear high heels and work tha pole..SIKE im desprate!{that was a joke no offense to any strippers ;)}
So since i had no luck today i ventured over to petco to buy me sum new babies *fishes* theyre so adorable will post pics later.they're girls so i named them sasha lee and arrianna *smile*..that picked up my day a bit!
Well gonna jet now bcuz im frustrated and just wanna chyll before fillin out more applications *sigh*
*smooches* dollz ;)
Just simply updates ha!
Hey dolls sup!
Its saturday and im currently lougin in bed!!!...sooo tired had a very long full day and well my feet hurt now was a fun day spent with the fam just out and about.we ventured over to the mall and did some walking around and shoppin.really the whole reason i wanted to go was to get some food..yum the panda express orange chicken is soo delics i luvs it!..i know i went all the way to the mall for some chinese but whatever i REALLY wanted some and one of my brothers ate half of it not to pleased about that lol
You guys are gonna be so mad i was gonna take pictures and everything today had my camera ready but it was just to much going on so lo siento!!im gonna try to add sum more pics up when i stop being so lazy after all of that going to diffent stores buying different things we decided to head home and they were gonna do yard work but yall kno me..i sat and watched between doing this i got me a small oreo blizzard from DQ yum so good.i couldnt eat it all so i had to save that and the rest of my chinesse hopefully no one will eat it so that i can remind myself of just how delitful all of it was lol.
I dont know what it is with me and food lately.i sometimes get into these sorta "eating spells"where it just seems like i want it all lol.but most of the time i dont feel like eating and i force myself to eat dinner(i almost NEVER eat breakfast and sumtimes not even lunch depends on if im hungry or not).isnt that weird i dont eat breakfast but i like breakfast food specially pancakes omg those r fireaaaah.i made sum the other day for the fam and they were so lite brown and fully!
Im so tired rite now and should prob be sleeping but i feel like i havent been here much updatin things and events on me so what better time then now when i know i got stuff to say so thats what this post is all about.cant not give my faitful readers something new to read about ;)..o before i forget i noticed the other day that someone had left a comment on my blog in the comment section awhile back but i never got an email for it.sooo sorry i hope u didnt think i was being snooty by not respondin :).but for now on i ask for u guys to leave ur comments or if u wanna just say a quick hey in the "talk to me box"off to the side and if u forget and wanna comment in the comment section i will just regularly chck my comments section now :).
Laying in bed relaxing watching Roseanne so im gonna jet safe on the rest of ur saturday nite!..nite luv to all *smooches*
P.S. i hope u guys like what i did to the blog..imin love with it!
Michaels kids want..auntie Janet!
Michael’s will names his mother, Katherine as the children’s guardian, but Debbie, the biological mother of the eldest kids, has expressed interest in raising them. All three currently live at Katherine’s Encino, Calif. home.
“[They] are doing great. Mom and Janet are taking care of them,” Michael’s brother Jackie tells OK!.
One concern raised is that at 79, caring for three kids might be too much for Katherine, a problem eased by Janet’s presence.
“Janet is not only willing to raise those children, she is also the only relative who knows how to protect them,” the insider tells OK!. “Janet knows the value of a private life and knows how to keep her personal life out of the news. She is determined to do that for Michael’s children. She is saying that he would want no less for them, pointing out how far he went to shelter them.”
somethings wrong!
something is wrong with blogger b back n a bit 2 tidy things up and get my regular stuff back sigh smh at blogger!
problem is fixed ha!
so what do we think?ive also put a new cbox over there u kno so it can match the whole purple "theme" do we like?!..i was sooo torn b/t this one and another (it was brown) dont b surprised if u cum back and things look differently again lol.
i gotta jet now will chat with u guys n a few!as always have a safe wknd n b good ;)!
Been awhile hu ? haha
Hey dolls, so its been awahile since ive updated my blog lo siento haha but im back and ready 2 give info on yours truelly!btw i hope all has been going good with you guys *huggz*
Anyway i know u guys are ike "this trick aint been here in awhile she better have sumthin to talk about"lol..well i dont know if its interesting but...i have recently decided to change my major in skool..i know i know ppl change their majors in college..but heres the thing since im changin and my clases were "nursin" courses i cant go 2 skool this fall : (..i mean im sad about it but im glad to have figured this out now then have gone to skool and been miserable not really wantin to be there..i have discoved that i really want to do sumthin with animals..u guys see it im like "inlove"with animals i think theyre so cute and cuddly and need sumone to protect them and help them!
But the only catch is i havent told mother/father this."AAHHHHHHH" im dreadin this but i know i have to tell them bcause they know that skool is supposed to be startin soon..pls give me the strength to tell the fam..i feel that theyre gonna be so dissappointed with me..ill be sure to tell u guys on how that event will pay out..soooo dreadin it tho......
I hung out with a friend my buddy danielle over the weekend..always good to see her..everytime we get together theres always fighting and arguin playfully of course i love her shes such a doll! other news my homie candy is believed to have a REALLY infected finger :( i havent seen her in like FOREVER i miss you baby gurl cant wait to hang again gurl get that finger well supa dupa fast give it sum of my luv *smooches*..u guys wish her finger a "get well" ;)
So thats pretty much it..i know not much but atleast im back 2 a "regular post" other news tho my gurl MISS JANET is back at work after 2wks off..stay strong i love you!!!!
Right now tho im on twitter updatin it since i wasnt on tha net ALL day yesterday ahhhh howd i do it a whole complete day with gettin on tha net...i had alot of twitter msgs to catch up on lol..btw if you arent followin me on twitter..well whats takin u so long....
Im also watchin bow live on twitter on his ustream..i dabble in it from time to time when he goes live cuz hes just super funny plus it helps pass time lol..i cant say imma huge fan of his music (most of it is cool) but hes def eye candy rite ladies haha
Anyway im gonna finish watchin him (well maybe lol..he isnt doin 2 much)so i may jump n tha shower then just chill tha rest of tha nite with sum peeps!
Nitey nite luv 2 all *smooches*
Re: Unknown Lifeform in North Carolina Sewer!
lmao my good friend melissa sent me this..i needa a good laugh and thought yall could 2!
R.I.P Michael Jackson - The Memorial - Paris Katherine Jackson speak (Live)
very very sad stay strong paris and whole jackson family i love you guys..thanks 2 whoever posted this..
in town
in town with me..ready dolls!
this was spir of moment so yeah lol
I know im late..
All tha fluff is gone!

what did u 4get?!...
Hey dolls wrote a special poem 4 mj chck it out..leave comments on both pgs id love 2 read them!
well gonna hit tha hay sack now nitey nite smooches!
link 2 tha poem: