My Top Notch Doll!!
In the Moment
Hey dolls whatssup!!
Im in a pretty good mood today!I dont know why that is I just feel like i should be excited about something lol
So tonight me and probably just the girls because all of the guys are acting pretty darn flaky!will be heading out to a place that ive never been before, and if i tell ya'll, ya'll would be like girl where you been in a cave somewhere lmao
I dont know what to wear tonight. i mean its pretty hott out right baskin out in the sun watching my fam do some yard work!i know why am i not out there helping right?!because my hands are to precious to be out there doing that manuel labor lmao..besides im much beter at watching!i tend to mess things up and get fussed at so yea id much rather just sit and watch!
However this sun out here is killin' me!!i have on these shoes that expose the tops of my feet and the sun feels like its burning my skin!!!so i had to roll up outta that sun before my feet became charcol haha..
As of right now ive made my way back into the cool breezy house with now nothing really to do since everyones outside slaving lol so i guess ill just chill and continue talking to my homie christina via txt message!
Isnt it strange how you lose contact with someone from skool then bam its just like old times and her went to middle and highschool togethere so now that we've graduated im curious to see if me and her will still do our old silly things we used to do back in fact she would have gone out with us tonight but homie gotta work.she's such a doll!
Back on tonight though.Don't you guys hate it when you invite someone out with you and they either don't text you back or tell you that they'll get back to you and don't or how bout this one say they'll come and then never show!For some reason that just really bothers me lmao.i mean if you don't wanna go just text back and be like not this time imma chill else where.Dont leave yo homie hangin' rude lol
Im sure we'll take loads of pictures tonight and i can't wait to share them with all my dolls!!
Step Into My Mind..
Hey dolls im nothing is really happening tonight!
which doesnt really surprise usually kinda tired and lazy on fridays even if i dont do anything all day idk why that is though lmao
Aint that a damn shame you can text ppl all day who live generally around where u do but yet ya'll dont do nothing haha that's funny because im doing it right now..both of us r bored yet neither of us have invited the other over or suggested we do anything.
its a guy so the only reason he ever invites me over anyway is to try and get me to do something(i don't need to say rite lol)boy please only way im coming over is if you offering free food..ya'll know im cheap haha
He may come out with us tommorw night but idk he tends to like to stay in the background alot.Its not like we're hitting up a night club or too young to get into clubs and fake ids are well just lame imo lol..there really isnt that much to do around here anyway which is why we create our own things to do.Just last week we had a "movie" night i quote because it ended up turning into a game a night.and guess what i lost!me and candy lost EVERY single game we played that haha i aint trippin' it was a fun night to just sit and chill with the girls!
Hanging with your girls is always fun!but somtimes you need to throw a guy or two or three or..well you get the point just saying sometimes guys when they aren't hitting on you are fun to hang around aswell.i love my guy friends!they always make me laugh and cheer up if im down*SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY HOMIES!*lmao
Someone who is not on my homie list at the moment is well we disclose names here!so we'll just move on from that subject!
I think i better go now..I feel like imma act a foo and i aint even had no vodka in me haha!
I love all my dolls goodnite...
hey guyz!
i got me a new temp..alot of work is needed so be patient its a fixer upper lol..this will do 4 now..itll b up and runnin n no time!
Down In The Slumps..
you ever just have one of those days or moments where you're just kinda down and dont feel like doing much?well thats where iam right about now..i don't know what happened i just woke with the sounds of my phone ringing..i looked at it and just let it ring was one of my ex's..he must just can't catch a clue..i mean its not that i don't want to talk to him its just that..he calls all day everyday..its sort of annoyin!lol..i mean who could blame trying to start something new with a (well i dont know if you could actually call him a friend of his i mean we all went to high school togethere!)but what ever you want to call that makes it kind of awarkward if im talking to me ex who by the way could care less if i had a boyfriend or not, with those comments that he makes.(i have no intentions of ever getting back togethere with him)
so i had to think about would i feel if the guy im talking to just talked to his ex for hours in days.i did would anyone would do..i just stopped answerin my phone..some were on purpose some missed calls where accidents.but i mean whatever i tried being nice and it just wasnt gettin through.i dont mind being his friend but seriously lay off of the callin homie!lol
anyway enough of that subject i swear its like my exs take up alot of my posts lol...
my nephew is in the cutest little phase ever!..his new thing is the movie cars!he loves every thing about it.he watches it morning afternoon and night one wants to watch the movie anymore but it doesnt phase him..hes only two and he'll go and find the movie wipe it off then pop it n the dvd, grab some cover and some snacks and chill.i mean he will actually just sit and watch this entire movie by himself!
while im here updating my blog and surfing the net hes over in the next room watching his movie and yelling out his favorite parts!this is the easiest movie ive ever had to do lol..usually hes talkin to me.and i mean talking to me none stop until someone comes and releaves me of my duties lmao
i have gotten all off my topic..and while sitting here listening to my nephew quote this movie and dance to little songs and he's only two..just brings a smile to my face..(this is him being good i'' give him about 30minutes before he starts acting up again lol)
gettin' physically fit...
me and a friend think that we have gained a few extra lbs since we've graduated high school last year so we've decided that we're goin to start workin out this summer!
we plan on workin out early in the mornings..idk wut we're gonna do a couple laps, sit ups, crunches idk lol..i havent worked out since..hmm i believe my jr of high school when i was a cheer leader omg that was so long ago way outta shape..i think we need 2 start me out with a half of a lap or sumthin lol..
anyway our first day of work out is coming soon so i will most def be keepin you guys up dated on my achin body..i know its gonna hurt..but i wanna lose at least 3 lbs before the summer ends!..i guess i should put down these chips then!!!
update on school..
so the other day me and a friend had to drive all the way down to the school and see why i was dropped from my class.when we got there i had a mettin with this man and he explained everythin 2 me and blah blah instead of takin summer classes he enrolled me for fall classes completly payed for and all i have 2 do is pay for since time has gone by and i thought i was enrolled for summer classes the fall classes are pretty much full so iam goin to have one janky schedule in the fall!i had to take what i could get!
i would say im happy with the out come i know i was mad at first lol but ay now all i gotta do is sit back this summer and chill and get my mind ready 4 these fall classes..dang i went from takin two classes this summer to four in tha fall..what happened lol..
I could just scream...
after gettin online to see how much my school books will cost this summer i notice tha they have dropped me from my summer class..o hell nw wtf is goin ?! i have a scholarship that is supposed to pay for my college education so they bet not b tryin to screw me over.i aint got time to be playing around i wanna hit this whole school thing out of the ball park!! was everyones weekend?mine just fine..well kinda like i said i hung out with sum friends friday nite then saturday was idk lol we were trynna find sumthin 2 do but ended up just stayin home.i had me a little one on one therapy time by mz.diva combs(lol)and that went on for hours!who knew that i had been holding in so much after i finally came to my senses about who i truell wanted to be with we watched this movie called "a good man is hard to fine"..ok so the movie was way under budget i dont think it ever went to theatres lmao..i get the moral of the story but still it was comical even though it wasnt supposed to be!
on sunday i just kinda chilled with the family and we watched two great movies.they were"taken" and "not easily broken"..those movies if you havent seeen them you need 2!they were very good and kept my attention which is hard to do lol
i need to go now and take a nap and get ready for 2mrw i may not like the out-come of scratch that i think my cosbys is on gotta go!
til' next time tiff
Happy Birthday Shout Out!
Happy Birthday Miss Jackson If You Nasty!!!
love you loads and have a super stunna-stastic day *smoochies*
What A Night!
boy tonight sure didnt go as planned lmao..but me and my gurl candace sure did till rock it out
(i luv u candy)..anway will make post about what went down and post pics later..rite now about to hit tha showers and prob catch a movie since every body wanna act sleep nitey nite ; ) !
til next time tiff*
Make-Up Reviews

Do Not Do the Crime If You Can Not Do The Time!!
so this is my sisters dog but they've been stayin here with us and this lil guy has become like my dog!however he has a little sweet tooth for mamas plants and we just can't have that!
imean every time i turned around these past few days ive seen little strails of plant leaves all throughout the sadly enough it has come down 2 sleeping in that kennel : (..aww i hate punishing (or wen he gets punished) the lil guy hes soo adorable but he has to learn..and he better learn fast for his sake lol
he was so scared this morning he wouldnt even come out of his kennel lol..speaking of which id better go up stars and check on him..and i better not find any plant leaves any where!!!!
be back to post later "all my childrens" is coming on
what do you think ?!
hey guys so i did sum work on tha blog and i gotta say im diggin this new look..this is so me i fianlly got it rite its so hott!lol
so please do leave comments and let me know what you guys think :)..
in other news besides workin on this blog ive been babysitting my sisters childrens my days gone as follows:
"NO!stop don't touch that"
"marcus arent you supposed to go on the potty"
"midnite leave those plants alone!"
o boy iam pooped!and now mothers home about to start working on her yard like all the other is a nice day..i guess i should go out and help but yall know she always think we super women..that will end up being another post all in itself.she want me to help her lift sum stones wtf lol!
well she bribed me by making her delicious home made pizza yum cant weight! *edit my dumbass put the wrong wait*haha long day...
*oops..i guess i can cheat this time you guys know im supposed to be sticking to my daily excercises*
future posts to come:
freebies*we all love free things whose gonna win all these*
more pictures
thoughts on season finale of americas next top model
summer time fun
till next time love tiff*
new layout..
hey guys about 2 do sum much needed work on this blog..a new layout is needed!..lookin kinda bland..btw i added sum new gadgets enjoy ; )
just a rant...
so i tried 2 highlite my hair myself..bottom line i just couldnt figure it out and my sister tha one who was supposed 2 help me got n2 with her bf so she didnt look like she was n tha mood and i was sick of runnin round this house lookin like who did it and why!
so i went upstairs and tried 2 highlite my hari..what a disaster..i couldnt get tha little thingy thru tha hole 2 pull tha hair out so finally i was like well my hair is gettin color in it im not up here doin all this work 4 nothing!
pulled out tha red dye and bam..all over tha sink down my arm across my foreheada.what a mess if that dont cum outta mams sink im n trouble lmao!!!!
so no highlites u guys ill settle 4 red hair..ill put sum pics up after i style it n wut not.
well my neck is drippin wet so ima go b4 i dye this pc chair red!!
Tiff xoxo
guess wut u guyz...its officially summer break!yay everyone is comin home!!!although 4 me ill b startin skool here n a few wks...wut n tha hell possed me 2 take summer classes?!lmao..n all my time on this earth i have yet 2 take a summer class!but ay i wanna knock this whole skool outta tha ball park so i gotta do wut i gotta do rite?
arent u guys so xcited 4 summer?!i kno must b all tha cold weather we've had here well after december i mean cum on it snowed n march 4 cryin out loud!im ready 2 slipde tha roof off my car n let tha warm summer breeze hit me on tha top of my head lmao..and plus yall kno i just got my car washed n has yet 2 b drivin n lng distances since ive been well now yay!
now all i need 2 do is get my toe nails done(i luv french tips on my toesy they always look really cute!)and im gonna home style streak my hair(cum on now yall know im cheap lol) and my sister r gonna try it out later on 2nite.its gonn black with red not goin 4 that ghetto look so i hope it doesnt cum out that way*screams*ha..anyways ill b sure 2 post pics on tha after math of it all im so xcited 2 c if it better otherwise i want my wole 5 dollars back..thats a whole meal at mcdonalds or popeyes...dont judge me!:)
also this summer im gonna try n keep it healthy and start my workout startin next week and im super xcited!i feel like such a fat cow and i wanna drop atleast 10 lbs...i mite even splurge and buy that kim kardashian fit ur jeans by friday workout dvd..nah ill cum up with my own routine lol...hopefully ill b able 2 stick with it..pray 4 me! idea just occured 2 me i shud post like weekly pics of myself and how much i weigh 2 make sure i stay ontop of my a game.u guys have followed me this long u mite as well follow me on this journey..COME ON LETS GET PHYSICALLY FIT TOGETHERE!thatll b tha start of each workout topic.
well gotta chck phone msgs..idk y ppl call me yall kno i never answer and rarely call back new signature shud b :plz if u xpect 2 hear back from me drop it n a txt..bsides this is day time minutes yall trippin lol
i love you all Tiff xoxo
cam whore time!
here r sum of my updated pics ive takin over tha past weeks..btw im tha 1 with tha sun glasses on head

this is me just takin a couple pics b4 i jetted off

IM BACK!!!!!!!
hey gur hey
finally after a week lets count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 days of being sick i have returned lol.
i hope u guys have been better than me!
see once i get up n goin with updatin my blog sumthin always cums up n hold me back lol.
i cant believe me of all ppl got sick!uh hello i wash my hands 24/7 n i even took sum vitamins n stay up on my sunny d n wut happenes?!a germ sneaks n me n sets me back awhole week!
i was in that bed 4 7 days(which usually i dont mind wen its my own choice lol),
so for that matter i dont have much 2 update yall on cept 4 i fianlly as of 2 day...wait r yall ready 4 this.........i finally uploaded my pics off of my camera on2 tha pc!!im so proud of myself i finally figured it out!!!!so b sure 2 stick around n chck tha pics out..
ugh just got a txt from wtf is this?sum1s always trynna play a damr prank..sprint leave my number outta of it..
anyways im gona go over n program this twitter 2 my phone so i wnt ever b w/o it again haha later aligator ; )