Teen Pregnancy..
good ole' child hood days!!

weird things!!
hey yall hey how r yall?!
me im doin alrite..so i kno u guyz r tired of hearin bout that ex of mine but ay i gotta get this ish off my mind lmao..so things r goin pretty goood so far again he was so sweet last nite it was kinda freaky!anwyas ive it all out so that he can wash my car 4 me cuz my ride is lookin kinda..well no not kinda..its lookin hella BAD lmao!
so this strange # has been callin me 4 quite sum time(n durin my soap opera time thats a no! ha) n i didnt know who it was so if ure like me i dont answer #s that i dont know it cud b tha pope himself callin n i still wudnt answer lol.
so 2day they finally..after days of callin left a vmail n guess who it was guyz??????????
it was 1 of my xs!!!!!!!wut is goin on lol??y r all of my xs cumin back all at once lmao
and not 2 mention these 2 exs of mine r friends but this x is off n another country n tha army im proud of him!!
but still its just weird how did he remember my # after all these years?!wut should i do guyz my mind is just spinnin lol..should i call back or not? wait..i dont need help answerin that ? i never call ne1 back lol
well i gotta go put this bad child 2 bed hes cussin n bein all bad..ill have 2 post more bout this later chao guyz!!
n dnt 4get 2 follow me on twitter!!!!!
xciting news!!!!
so hello everyone how r yall?
i have sum xciting news but ill wait 2 share tha good news towards tha end of my post!...
so these past few days i havent dun 2 much of anything just kinda laid around n been lazy..ooh no wait yeasterday i helped cut tha grass..highlite of my day lmao..i was out there sweatin like a hebrew slave!lolz
mama was being impatient n didnt wanna wait 4 no1 2 cut tha grass so 2 her me n her 2gethere equal super women wtf?!lol gotta luv her tho
today after i watched all my children(which was a great epi 2day ugh cant wait 4 2mrws!)i watched 7lbs 4 tha first time.it was pretty good.it was tha first movie that u have 2 like actually watch in order 2 get it that kept my attention.those who know me kno that my attention spand is no more than a toddlers lmao.anyway if you havent seen it chck it out!
yall remember me tellin yall bout that ex of mine rite?so 2day i was n a pretty gud mood so i was like let me see wuts really goin on with him so i sent a txt that said:
"wuts goin on with u ?"-from me
"workin on a car"-him
lmao is he that dumb that he didnt understand tha ?..(he knows wut im talkin bout wen i asked wuts goin on with him).ive officially let him go*three claps 4 me!*lmao..well maybe not officially..idk its complicated.dont judge me!lol
after that dumb convo i got re-intouched with an old friend of mine "hey kort hey"-we used 2 b super tite back n our hay day of cheerin so it was good 2 talk 2 her!
i also gotta another surprise 2day after loggin on2 my blog 2 c a comment(since u outher heathens dont comment n just read n go ima shout this person out lmao- hey danielle hey)shes my bestest bud from back n elm skool.wow waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy back wen.i beleieve we gettin old lol!-anyway she left a couple of comments here on tha blog.i didnt think u visited here often :) hey gurl hey!
-venture down 2 more 2 get the xcitin news shhhh mama doesnt know yet-
still awake...
it is now approachin 3am here n iam still awake..idk wuts wrong with me but i just cant sleep at nite..sleepin pills wont even work on me wtf man?!
so 2nite summer enrollment strtd 4 college at midnite and wen u think that my insomina(sp?! lol)would actually cum n handy tha freakin site wont load!!either theres 2many ppl out there trynna enroll or their site just sucks!go 2 sleep ppl lmao
i would take sum pics n post em on up but im lookin like moofasfa himself lmoa.i got my hair washed and have yet 2 straighten it.ive been super lazy.dont judge me!
while browsin on my blog ive noticed that alot of ppl read my blog yall just dont b leavin no comments wutsup with that lmao..naw just knowin theres peeps out there readin this blog is enuff lol
i know i shud b up n my bed rite now forcin myself 2 bed but idk i just got soo much crap on my mind.
for starters yall know that ex of mine i started back talkin 2?well hes bein a complete asshole rite now.idk wut im gonna do bcuz me yes me have fallen for him yet again.idk y we as women always seem 2 fall 4 tha same guys repeatedly wen we know damn well that they aint changed.and i know that i cant change him but i guess tha hardest part is givin that person up yet again!
i hate it wen ppl play with my emotions and my time.hes actin like he already has me on his back burner and can call me wen he pleases uh YEAH RITE!!!
i may fall for yo sweet talkin but that runs out eventually.all that crap bout him wantin 2 get serious with me again was all just a load of shit.so boo whooo go cry me a river and get outa my mind!
this just sucks cuz i kno for a fact that he is not up thinkin bout me n if he was up those days of our late nite chats have cum 2 an end hes made that very clear.can yall beleive he had tha audascity(sp?)2 tell me tha reason i aint heard from him all wknd is bcuz hes been partyin hard..um ok wtf does that mean???????i thot wknds were supposed 2 b spent with ur gurl/dude xspecially if yall dont see eachother durin tha wk.chhhhhild please its time 2 hang up tha phone on him ive been nice 4 2 long lmao
ima go idk wut bouts 2 do...maybe roseannes on.always get a kick outa that show that lady is Krazy with a capital K lmao nitey nite luvs!
i know i said..
i know i said i was leavin but im really diggin this new lay outt ne one else?! lol
once again..
be kind 2day(u should b kind every day)but as we all know 2day is easter Sunday and this is the day that Jesus died 4 our sins.that should put a smile on everyones face 2 know that sumone out there loves us that much :)!!!!!!
ok sup guyz!
i kno i said i wud b back 2 post updates on that nite but iaint gon lie i been kinda lazy i aint even update my twitter n sum days lol.but im back now!!
so after that nite wen we all hung out it was fun and we've all been keepin touch with one another..that is until a coupke days ago my ex thinks that he can just up n play mind games on me n disappear on me.uh-uh not having it.see im not playin any of those games either u wanna b with me n hang or u dont.so 2day finally he crawls back from outa tha ground(only bcuz i txtd him n told him happy easter ay i had 2..everyone shud b nice 2day,2day is the day Jesus died 4 us!!)so he txts back n says tha same..im like wow uve been mia all these days n havent txtd me or jen n now all of a sudden u can reply 2 that lmao give me a break womp womp!!i just sent him a txt back n am eager 2 c if he sends a reply back prob not but im still gonna get kicks from bloggin bout it lol
so anways off of that my wknd..well it wasnt 2 much of nething i was gonna hang with a friend on friday nite but i thik she was with her gf cuz i aint hear from til bout 11 at nite n i had already turned my phone n was chillin n my bed!so saturday was supposed 2 b sum kinda family day where my paw paw was supposed 2 cum over n hang ut of course story of my life those plans fell thru as well.so me n mama got sum chinesse food(which was freakin great!!)n hung at home watchin "yes mna".it was a funny moive..not as funny as she made it seem tho lol...my all time fav jim carrey movie is...."ACE VENTURA"i L-O-V-E that movie lol
so 2day is like i said easter sunday and my moms bf got my paw paw sum free baseball tickects..i believe tha ny yankes r playin our royals 2day..we all kno who gon win lmao..sorry but i keeps it real ima kc gurl but tha royals they kinda dont win that often i had 2 b tha one 2 say it lmao.i hope he stops by here after tha game.he always buts a smile on my face and has sumthing stupid 2 say which is why we love him lol.
ooh guess wut guyz i finally figured it out.i bet yall sayin figured wut out that uve lost ur mind lmao.naw but i finally figured out how 2 put my pics off my camera on2 a pc..i know im like 20 yrs late but im not smart wen it cums 2 pcs lol.i havent figured out how 2 put them up on my pc i have them up on my sisters lap top but her pc wnt connect 2 tha internet over here just yet so itll b awhile longer till im postin my pics.all that matters is that i figured it out all on my own lol.
ill b re-enrollin n2 sm more college classes 2 further my career n nursin im so xcited bout that idk y cuz i hate skool but im xcited lol!
ima jet now homies catch yall n a few luvs!!
ya'll make sure ya'll get hooked up on a twitter n follow me on there..trust me i update thtat more lol
time 2 play catch up!!!
hey guys how r ya'll?as always i hope all is well!!!
now yes as we all kno friday april 3, was my bday yayay!!!!and even those "friends"of mine who didnt have ne time 4 me over spring break drop me a txt how nice....
so on that wonderful day i noticed that my face was startin 2 breakout n honey child we just couldnt have that lol!its been awhile since i had used my clean n clean kit(yes that thing really wrks i reccommend it!)so sine i ran out a few months ago ive been 2 cheap 2 buy it(damn near 20 dollars!!yes 2 0 lol)n yall kno im cheap!...but..i cudnt deprive my face like that ne longer...so i decided gee im not doin nething rite now y now just head on up 2 walmart n go buy me sum with this bday money i just got!
so i get there n like all tha lines 4 20 items or less where like hecka lng so i went 2 tha regular lines...(i had 1 item n was in line 4 atleast 10minutes!)..so finally this lady lets me cut her n line(thanx miss lady :))n so i chcked out n all of a sudden i hear my name but im like this prob aint nobody i kno cuz my names ver popular..but i decided 2 turn around..n there 1 person aways from me was a good friend of mine from highschool..n she was there with...both of my exs(well 1 of em was really my ex tha otha was just a fling) can we say SCREAMS!!!!lol
idk y but i was like really nervous..i started like sweatin n everything..im like wut r the odds that id run n2 all of yall rite here n tha same line lol..
so we talked n then i left n i txtd my friend who was there n asked her if she wanted 2 hang out a lil later n blah blah n then she goes..so n so(my ex)wants 2 kno if he can have ur #...im like idc while my heart is racin lol..so she gives it 2 him then we strt talkin n a lil later n tha day he calls n asks wut im doin n i tell em u kno gettin dressed bout 2 head on out n he asks if he can tag along 2..so i say sure y not...
so me her n my ex all hang out n have dinner n was actually fun..till i found out that my fling who is my exs friend(which i know sounds kinda messed up but i didnt know they were friends back then lol)told him that we hooked up last yr or w/e...i mean that is not even true..i mean we did do some things but i mean we didnt like have sex or nething..n igot pissed off cuz im like y would u do that?guys who kiss n tell wether it b true or not r just losers who r tryin 2 bust their self esteem up boo cry me a river ass hole dnt go around trynna throw my name under tha bus u lucky i graced u with my fiercenss back then...so anyway off of him lol....
so since then we've been like txtin all day non stop and i mean its actually been kinda nice..hes not like trynna cum at me with like all this game u kno wut im sayin?i mean its been like 4 or 5 yrs since we've last spoken so i guess we're re tryin 2 get 2 kno eachother which is fine by me : )....
so 2day is his bday i kno how ironic 2 days after mine so since he spent my bday with me i told him we'd hang out on his bday...
i gotta admitt im kinda nervous..i mean idk y..maybe its just butterflies or sumthin...
maybe this was ment and God sent him back my way 4 a reason...or maybe im soooo just gettin PUNKED! lol...all in all i hope this works out...
well anyways ill b back this evenin 2 let u guys all kno how it went luvs ya!