I know Im super early but I wanted to make sure I got that out lol!
Be safe and have fun bring in this new year right :)

xoxo to all!

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Christmas recap

How was everyon es Christmas??Mine was pretty good well spent with the fam!only thing was it snowed alot so I wasnt able to go out and see some of the fam. Yall know I was not trying to get stuck in the snow like some them fools lol.

How about Christmas is over and I STILL got some of my friends Christmas gifts under the tree lmao smh. But I have been working and the roads were a mess so yeah whatever at m and my excuses lol I plan on delivering some of the today :)

While we are speaking of gifts let me show ya'll some of the Janet and make up stuff I racked up in yes be jealous hoes lol

How about I know all this is from her 2008 tour BUT ish was expensive back then so I aint get it lol thanks mother :) I love it. Im telling yall one of these days Im just gon get up and get dressed in all my Janet gear yes honey take that POW lmao!

Well anyway those where just a few of my gifts. However you spent the holiday I hope it was a good one and I hope everyone remembered what that day really means xoxo to all!

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Keeping me awake!

Hey guys how are my lovely readers doing? Me Iam pretty good :)

So I decided to get this post in kind of early because as of lately night time has NOT been my friend lol. I dont know I just get kind of down and my mind begins to wonder. I guess it comes from surpressing it all day long and when night time comes and everyone is asleep theres nothing on tv and theres nothing to do whatever you put off just kind of all comes out. So I figured tonight I can atleast knock a post out and watch a comedy to keep me laughing!

This post is really random just felt like I needed to say something that way I wont end up lying in bed tonight thinking of ALL the things I want to get off my mind. Trust me its alot that gets built up there and all seems to ONLY want to come out at night when I dont feel like getting out the lab top to blog about it and its beginning to keep me up.Shoot ya'll know I like my sleep thats why half the time I dont post for weeks lmao jk!

I thik that I should leave from here soon because I really have no clue where this post is going lol but before I go check out this HOTT new purse I just bought.Yes be jealous lmao

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RIP Brittany Murphy...

Wow am just now finding out the news that Brittany Murphy has passed away at the tender age of 32. I remember my senior year of highschool I watched clueless like faithfully thats my movie with her little accent she had in the film and the red hair lol (I know she has been in many other films but this to me is my first film I remember seeing her in). Man this year has been hard on celebs.May she always rest in peace and may the Lord be with her loved ones during this time.....

November 10,1977-December 20,2009...

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Happy blated blogoversary!!!!!




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Great eveing yesterday..bad one tonight....

So, yet a fucking gain I my weekend has been screwed!Answer this why make plans with someone and you never follow through with them?Oh dont worry Ill wait....................................................................................................................................................................................................
Oh Im sorry I was waiting for the answer. I tell ya someone is really going to make me scream in a half of a mili-second!!So since those plans are scratched I have nothing to do tonight litterally. And I cant help but laugh cause I knew this would happen, you when you just have that gut feeling. Is started to make second plans last nite but I didnt and I dont wanna just barge in on someone and be like the third wheel or something like that, how lame is that!lol

Anyway Iam not going to let this situation give me an attitude and put me in a bad mood Ill just let it roll off my back and keep trucking. Hey well least now next therre wont be a next time and the gut feeling wont be needed *sigh* why me?...

Lets just move off that topic. So last night I went with the gang and it was alot of fun. It was good to see them and catch up and just let lose. We ended up going out to eat then playing a couple games( which was so last minute but hey Im not a planner lol) We took some pics last night but Im to lazy to upload them onto my computer these come from my the pictures off of my phone:

LMAO dont judge us and Justin I know you're somewhere in this picture I think thats you in the back!

And here poor Brit Brit phones lies here on the dinner table in pieces lmao. You guys always put me in a good mood. Next time tho lets pre-plan things out tho lol

Im going to get on up out of here now. I hope you guys like the new layout I finally and I mean FINALLY figured out how to do it. Took like 8 billion years!!!
And of course so exciting news. Sometime this month is my blogoverssary!Ive been blogging for almost a year (in a few more days) so Im thinking that inoder to celebrate Im going to do a little give away contest. You guys derserve it thanks for visiting and reading the blog you guys rock xoxo!!!

-EDIT- MY blogoverssary was 12/13/09 ugh how did I forget the date..just go to sleep Tiff just go to sleep lmao!

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My other blog..!

So I know its been forever since Ive mentioned this site.Yes it is still up and running lol.For those that dont know Iam talking about my poetry blog that I ME MYSELF pesonally write.Anyway I would love it if you guys would also read/follow that blog aswell.Big things are gonna happen for it :)

link www.get-to-know-me-poetically.blogspot.com


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Rant part 2.

So I was sitting here getting ready to watch a movie,yet I cant seem to focus because something is itching at my mind thus this post.

Something or shall I say some people are really bugging me. Its not exactly what they say (or lack there of) its more of what they dont say. (Refer to my earlier post where i stated "people should say whats on their mind no matter if it hurts the persons feelings"). I just have alot that I want to say, and not really sure how I want to go about saying it so forgive me for my rambling!

Lets just call the person uh Jamie therefore Iam speaking of either gender at once lol. Im really on the Border line of making a decision of if I really want these people in my life because for one I can already see the risk I will be taking as usual. We can just say Ive learned from my mistakes and am learning to block/see the bs form as it happens. What this (one) person has done has proved that the trust is slowly but surely slipping away.

Now I can be a full and play this ish to the left or I can address the issue head on. I dont know about you guys but i aint playing nothing to the left Im sorry but Ive asked the questons and you cant come up with the answers??? then its time for you to sweap dust. Why I ask can people pretend to be so busy? Im sorry but if you are not a DOCTOR on CALL im sure you have at least 2 hours to spare get out of here with all that lol!

Like I said these statments that Iam making are for either gender ( for people who know me so they wont be asking who you talking about? do I know them? lol)

As Iam writing Iam starting to feel much better to finally get this off of my mind. I guess you can say this is part two of my last post just more detailed :).There is more that I want to say but Ive gotten the more important things off of my mind now I can watch this movie without itching at my mind lol

A big fat BOOOOO to the lmaeo's who this post is about,even if I dont personally know you Im sure someone you know feels this way about you to lol!!!

xoxo to all my readers you guys are the BEST and you're comments are appreciated!!!!

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Janet Jackson at the Jingle Bell Ball in London (Part 2)

take that POW!

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Janet Jackson at the Jingle Bell Ball in London (Part 1)


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Things on my mind..

Just alot on my mind as of lately and I know its been awhile since ive done one of my heart fealt postings so its that time again lets get it innnnnnnn!

Recent events have just made me want to scream!You know what I mean?People for instant Ive learned a few things. Ive learned to let the past be the past. You cant change what happens or what is going to happen. Im for one am done with all the foolishness I dont need that extra drama in my life and Im to the point where if thats all you're going to bring then its time for you to leave. No I will not disclose any names because Iam not talking about one specific person Iam just speaking in general.

Anothere thing that bugs me about people is not saying whats on you're mind. Iam a strong believer in speaking ones mind.Sometimes I speak without thinking which can sometimes be a drag lol but hey atleast its out there.Dont leave someone in the dark no matter if it hurts their feelings truth hurts and I dont know about you guys but Id rather be told the truth rather than listening to lies.

I know my problems and am trying to work through them. I build up a wall as away to not let anyone in or to close to me. Its just a habbit from ever since I can remember. No nothing dramatic happened I just like to keep nonsense out of my life as much as possible. As of lately Ive learned how to let my wall come down while blocking out bs that may come with it!!!

Ill repeat again that Im not really talking about anything/anyone specifically just crap thats built up on mind over a few weeks and am now just getting around to letting it all out as best as I can.

Im enjoying reconnecting with old friends Ive had. I cant believe how long its been. I hadnt realized how "to myself" Ive been until recently and am screaming to myself "why didnt anyone tell me"!lol.

I gotta go wish I could write more. Will maybe have to do like a part two. I say that all the time and never get around to it haha.Ill try this time : )


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Yesterday was great!

Hey guys got some exciting news!!!my oldest sister just had her second baby yesterday now im an aunt for the third time!iam a proud aunt might i add lol.She had a c-section so as for now shes taking it a bit easy and getting alot of much needed rest. As for the baby hes kicking strong with a VERY loud cry and super beautiful :).

I wanted to see all the yuckie stuff that they do during the c-section so i left my camera with the dad BUT of course he didnt get it lol atleast he took some pretty good snap shots of the baby when they pulled him out!still would have been pretty cool to see all the insides...dont judge me lol

When we first saw the baby all we could say was he looks just like his brother lol.It was cool and of course I held the little guy while he gave me mean faces(idk if this one is gonna like me or not either haha)Since shes going to be in the hospital for awhile we have my other nephew and even the dogs so its a full noisy house over here lol but I cant complain I love having them around!

Events leading up prior to this date we went Christmas shopping!Im so excited this is the first year Ill be taking part in actually giving gifts (usually im broke lmao) but this year I got you, and you, and even YOU a gift righttttttt lol.Candace Ill have to do you guys gifts kinda diff cuz I cant decided who should get what que'?:/ and Danielle I got you buddy :)!

I need to go will be heading up to the hospital shortly and need to catch some much needed Zzzzzz's I think since its so chilled outside its putting me to sleep lol.catch you guys on the flipped side :)


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Dont know why just felt like sharing..!

Hello my loves hows everything going? Well I've been meaing to stop by to share this little poem with you guys NO i did not write it but still i like it so you have to read it lol.

"I knilt to say a hurried a prayer and jumped up off my knees
My christian duty was done my soul could rest at ease
All day long I had no time to spread a word of cheer
No time to speak of christ to friends they'd laugh at me I feared
No time no time to much to do that was my constant cry
No time to give to souls in need but at last the time the time to die
I went before the Lord
I came I stood with downcast eyes for in his hands God held a book it was the book of life
God looked into his book and said your name I cannot find
I once was going to write it down but never found the time"...-author unknown


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Thanksgiving..a little late...

I hope uguys a great day well spent with your loved ones and for you shopacholics out there have at black friday lol :)

-Thanksgiving up date coming soon!-


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Shopping Treat!-Janet performance!!

Hey guys hows it going?As usual i hope ll is well :)

First things first did you guys see Janet performing on the amas last night?!You already know I did!I was at home cheering as if I were in the crowd and to my understanding I was told that the amas crowd was pretty wack!lol but thats beyond the point. The point is that Janet rocked the house.She rocked it so hard that every performer after her couldnt reach her level lol.Yesssssss Im telling yall she served it to me. Like I said in an earlier post she baked itm flipped it, fried, and seasoned it to and was delicssssssss loved every moment of it!!!!After her performance I was pretty much done Im not really an "award watcher" so I just got loads of updates like jlo fallin on her a*s LMAO!so funny thanks to whoever uploaded that on twitter im hearing minutes after it happened!They be on it dont they?!lmao

Anyway so I went shopping today and picked up a few items for myself it felt good to buy me a couple things specially since I havent really been spending any money, so I guess that was my treat to myself!!Now i can get in the mood for Christmas shopping!I should have been started because its closer and I hate I mean HATE a crowd and long lines ugh!maybe Ill get up early again one day and start my holiday shopping. But then with buying gifts nobody ever knows what hey want so I dont wanna hear it you get what I buy you!!lol.Here are two items I bought today didnt take a picure of everything was to lazy ha!

My lovely new wallet it was so gorg that I just had to have it!Besides Ive meaing to get a new one since Ive had my other for like ages decided to get something a little bit more "grown" up lol

And the purse to match uh-oh!lol I wasnt even looking for a match but my eye caught it!I was looking for a purse a bit more bigger but this will do.Im satisfied lol.

Well gonna hit yall later have a great day!!!


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Make Me - Janet Jackson (Official Video- Full Length)

yessssssss this trick flipped, it baked it,fried it, and seasoned it and served it to me and it was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Make Me - Janet Jackson (Behind the Scenes)


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Hey hey now miss me lol!!

Hey guys hows it going?!as always I hope everything is going well!!!
Not much going on around here.Just been working and boy did i "actually" do work yesterday lol.Got off kinda late got home showered and ate and was sudddenly not sleepy anymore so what did I do?bought me a new ringtone fof my sk!may not seem like a big deal to you guys but for me it is specially since im so cheap haha.Anyway after that I just kinda laid in bed for like EVER til' i finally dozed off and didnt wake up til' almost noon!Thats a long time I havent slept that long in a good minute!

My day off today not really sure as to what Im gonna do.Maybe just lounge around the house possibly watch a few movies that I havent seen in awhile.Not quite sure at the moment.First things first is that I MUST EAT!!!!!Lol.Im so starving and mother just went to the grocery store so I cant wait to sink my teeth in a few new items.yummmy come to me baby!

I would have updated my blog alot sooner but some reason I cant access this site through my sk que' pasa?!Come on people bare with me :).Well Im gonna get on up outta here and see what some people are up to today.Hopefully not much its really cold out and rainy out and possibly some snow in the mix!-in translation Im staying in today lol chao!


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Trip down memory lane..

Lets go back to the beginning shall we heres a little of my childhood:

Here Iam just being brought into this wonderful world wasnt I a cute baby!

I was so adorable and loving however Iam told that I was a bit of a cry baby and when I got old enough I wanted to always follow this chick around town:

Thats me and my one of my oldest sisters Toy. She used to HATE when I would follow her around.But come on now I was only what two and she was like six what else was I supposed to be doing?lol.Anyway we have since of course gotten closer and besides my mother and friends she is my ultimate bestie xoxo!

Now lets take it to elementary school where I met danielle way back in the fourth grade!Shes been my ride or die chick for the past what like 10 years love her to death shes not just my best freind but my sister.No sersiously my mother probably thinks she gave birth to her lol.
Back then and to this day we still have a tendecy to "injury" one another.She startedd it by throwing a blue light up ball with sparkles at lip and busted it!!!!!!

Here we are again for I believe our first freshmen dance aww how cute she was date!

Over the years I had became a crazed Janet Jackson fan I mean really crazed lol.This is just a tiny collage I had managed to put togethere.While the collection has grown over the years I've since put everything either on my computer or in a Janet binder.It looks smaller then how it really was back then :)

Now lets move it on up to middle school years where I met these three crazy triplets: candace,camille,and charde whom I love very dearly.I guess you can say danielle, and these three chicks(aside from some fam) are my four besties xoxo

Our hair needs to have time out Candace haha:

Whew!Im going to have to make a "trip down memory lane" prt 2 will have to go through and get more pictures for highschool years and where Iam today!!


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Leaving yall with a piece of Janet:

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Why Did I Get Married Too Trailer

JANET!!!!!! I can not wait to see this yesssssss girl you are gonna give it in this movie workkkkk!!!

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change once again!

gettin ready to change the layout once again.man i gotta find what im looking for in a "theme""lol

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Been along time!

Hello readers sorry ive been MIA for quite sometime been dealing with some family stuff then you know just tired.but its down time for me and iam actually on the pc long enough to write a post.

As of right now im just laying back watching deliver us from eva love the movie anyway lol.did you guys hear that JANET JACKSON will be honored and performing at this years amas?!and theres more theres going to be an interview of janet at her home that will air on the 18th i believe.whoooaaa very excited about all this janet news!!!!!!

Halloween came and went this year.I had to work WHOMP but trust i do believe very slightly that I just may dress up next year.the feelings been growing on me more and more lately.that could just be becuase i had to work and missed the halloween party lol.

Yesterday we had a baby shower for my sister and omg the food was delicssssssssss!it had everything that my tummy was yelling for and oh i CAN NOT wait to go sink my teeth in some of that strawberry cake with cool whip mother made ahhh its heaven lol.and lets not forget the spaghetti salad mother also made ugh thats it i need to just go im getting re-hungry as i type!

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Hey hey now!

Hey hey now how is everyone doing? I hope all is well with you and yours!!!

As you can see I finally have the blog back up and running and I must admit i love this one I mean i like them all of course because I choose them lol but you know what I mean. I chose this one to kind of get out of that dark blogging phase I wanted something that was kust kind of chilled and uplifting thus being the new music I added you guys like?

Anyway I've been kinda down and out not really feeling to hot but I feel great today yesterday was man it was HORRIBLE!-just glad to be feeling better today!-you guys dig the new way I have my twitter updates set up down there I think its pretty neat would be even better if I could get it in a pink color but whatever I'll settle for this lol.

Well Im going to get on up out here remember comments are always welcomed!-oh yeah before I forget I'll be adding videos up to my youtube account very soon I've been meaning to do it for days ok scratch that more like weeks but ay I've been slacking sorry!lol

God bless

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Not finished!

will try and have all finished sometime 2mrw ; )

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Random story..

Hey dolls was just gearing up to lay back and chill and thought i would get on and make a post. I just really wanted to tell this quick story so here it goes.

So yesterday i was so freakishly tired it makes no sense i had worked didnt get much sleep n blah blah. I only had about four hours of sleep that in itself is a no no lol but anyway i woke up with a sore hip i think i may have twisted it of something at work so thats been bothering and i woke up this morning with a sore neck wtf?lol-anyway on to what i wanted to say. Yesterday i was with the fam walking around half sleep and we were steppin out going sumwhere and sumbody was saying sumthing funny so i turned 2 see what was goin on and sum how sum way i hit my the back of my head on the car. When i say i hit the back of my head i BANGED the ish out of it-I mean ppl 1000 miles away from me could hear how loud I hit my head lol.

The messed up part is that when i hit it, it was so loud that everybody outside heard it and stopped and was like "did u just hit the back of yo head on the car?" i was like wtf how come nobody asked if i was ok since obviously i hit it that hard...blk ppl lmao jp. So yeah i was pretty banged up yesterday lol.

Anyway that was all i wanted to share will be bk (hopefully) to tell what i thought about the monique show last nite!
-btw yesterday was my lil bros bday shout out 2 him LUV U-

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Talk To Me..

Dont forget to "talk to me" over at the talk to me chat box.dont b shy it appears that its very quiet over there as of lately haha.

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Small Update!..

Hey baby dolls sorry about the delayed posting!!!!

lets see what has been going in my life lately hm*thinks* o yeah one of my exs has decided he wants to try in come back into my life.we've actually been doing alot of talkin these past few days but im still on the fence.i kind of like being single and not having the dramam and hassles of a relationship at the moment.BUT on the flip side sometimes i do want to be with someone no one imparticular.You know how you just get in that "lonely" slumb??lol.but anway until i decided once and foremost wut it is that i want lets just say ya girl tiffay will be single and ready to mingle!!

Other then that ive been spending alot of time with the fam.especially since my cousin dmont just came hom from the marines to visit for a spell.it was sooo good to see him i havent seen him in a long time.he came back with his VERY preggos wife and one yr old son (talk about not wasting no time lmao)-thats like the fifth chick in my fam to be preggos all in the same time.whew talk about baby shower after baby shower and ontop of that all my siblings birthdays are all in one month october o help my bank account lol.since this is the first time me being employed everyone will get "actual" gifts this yr ive been saving so thats the plan im so excited-keep in mind plans are liable to change tho lol

there are so many things i wanna do as of lately!-but rite now its auntie and nephew time.ill holla at yall later. xo *smooches*

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