hello to my fellow readers i hope all is well with you all and i hope u guyz had a wonder christmas!!!
sorry its been so long since ive last posted but with tha holidays i got lazy and i was actually spendin time with my famz..
but anywaz lets c where do i begin..so 2day is new years eve hello can sum1 tell me wut happened 2 2008?!lmao i mean it seems like 2008 just came n went..however iam xcited 2 bring n 2009 i just wanna leave all of 2008 n tha past just all tha ppl and situations and just everything i just want it 2 stay in 08 and hopefully 09 will bring much happiness 2 us all!
now on 2 wut i saw last nite on tv while i lay awake at around 2 in tha mornin!wut tha hell is goin on mind u im half sleep trynna read this message scroll across tha tv bout if u have time warner cable n sum otha cable 2nite u will lose 18 of yo channels..o hell 2 tha naw!
they talkin bout takin away my nickelodeon my vh1 my tv land n my mtv hold up!
now aint they chargin pplz 4 that damn tv box thing 2 go digital or w/e now they trynna charge 4 certain tv stations ok 2009 is not gettin off 2 a good start if i cant roll over n tha mid of tha nite n flip my tv 2 tha cosby show or fresh prince now we gotta problem lol
plz tell me i aint tha only 1 who saw this!!!
anwyay lets hope that gets worked out cuz they dnt want me 2 call that # they got posted lmao
but ima holla at yallz lataz i think i needa take a nap or else idk how ima make it 2 midnite..
every1 have fun 2nite n stay safe n drink responsibly(i kno i will holla)
luvs tiff
hello again...
so 2day not 2 much happening so this will prob b a short post im feelin kinda tired n lazy hah wut else is new!
so today i did it..i cut my hair!
well my bangs but ay thats still hair..i cant believe i did it*4 those who really know me yall not i dnt just b cuttin n my hair lol*
i like my long hair so imma kee growin it 4 as lng as i can but every now n then u need a chance which is why i cut my bangs anyways will most def b postin pics lataz like i said im lazy rite now so ill b back within tha next few days well maybe christmas is comin up!!!so maybe next week..anyways im out yall go out n be with fams friends n loved ones n celebrate xmas 2gethere lataz!!!!!!!
weekend shindigg!!
so lets talk about my weekend..it turns out friday i did leave.i went out 2 this lil get 2gether however by tha time i had gotten there all tha alchol was gone*screams*however its ok i was driving anyway lol!
nothin 2 much happened just sat n chilled n all that good stuff.then sumwhere along tha nite idk if it was a argument or wu but all i know is that Jesus' name got put n tha convo so you kno it had 2 be heated.so of course i had 2 sit n be nosey i wouldnt be me if i hadnt lol..anyway tha convo went on 4 awhile so we just decided 2 leave n go home.when home we decided ok lets shower n go 2 bed(mind by this time its like 1.30am).so i go n tha bathroom get ready 2 get n tha shower n wut d'ya know theres no soap!
i mean we looked hig n low all thru this m-fn house n finally found it hidin bhind a door wtf?!haha it took us like 30mins 2 find it but its all coo i got 2 get clean n we kno thats wut counts!!!
so tha next day we went shoppin at tha mall i got my third hole in my ear n iam very proud of it cuz every1 who knows me kno i dnt like pain so yaya : D !
after that we went back 2 tha house n was takin shots of barcadi i perfer vodka but its all good.we didnt go 2 bed til' 5 n tha morning.it was a fun nite lotsa laughs but ay who dont laugh wen they drunk lmao(plz drink responsibly)!!
Sunday idk didnt really do 2 much just kinda hung around..now its monday nite here n i just kinda hung 'round watchin movies all day which is fine but im bored as hell now n its 2 cold 4 my skin 2 b goin out sumwhere lol
o so bout tha movies lets c i watched like 2 of katt willaims stand up comedys all i gots 2 say is man is a genius luved them all now he is tha ish i can always count on him 4 a good laugh!
i also watched dark nite and n imo it wasnt all that great i guess cuz of all tha hype it got i thot i wud like it but it was alrite..i also watched the women that was ok 2 it had sum funny parts all n all i would tell you all 2 watch tha movies!
well im bored n i dnt wanna keep goin on n on bout nothin so ill post lataz specially if im bored haha
Tis' thee season...
yes peoples its almost that time of the year again in bout six days it will be christmas so go out n do that last minute shoppin n wrap them gifts up pronto : D!!has any of yallz fam who dnt live near yall startin 2 pop up early in get back in good with tha fam?i callz them kinda ppls tha pop up fam never round til they wanna eat or get sumthin free..f-in munch gotta luv em tho cuz i gotta few n my fam lol
so anyways on 2 my day lets see..well i woke up this morning watched all my childrens..have yall been watchin that?let me be the first 2 tell yall its heatin up!!however i know they better hurry up n wake kendalls azz up outta that comma or else haha
so after that i did my hair n guess wut u guyz...my hair dyed all tha way jet black this time im so xcited cant wait 2 get out there n show off my new do lol..i was up 4ever last nite with that dye n my hair so im glad things worked out this time.n tha only reason why it worked out was bcuz my mom did it 4 me..thanx loads mom cuz she kno i was lookin jacked but i still rocked it cuz iam fierce n fab lmao
ok after i did my hair i really cant remember wut i did next however i kno i watched the results cum n on little caylee anthony rip baby gurl..i cant believe sum1 would actually did that 2 a kid its just really sad...
and after i watched that i came online 2 try n do sum new things 2 my blog but im not really pc smart so im havin a bit of troubles but ill figure it out i always do lol
i dnt think im doin ne thing really 2nite i thot i would atleast b hangin with sum of my friends since they all and i mean all went away 2 skool n now they been back 3 sum days now n i aint heard from em since like monday i think but w/e they all leavin me lonely.im kinda used 2 them all bein gone now anyways so im all good..xcept 4 tha simple fact that i have 2 babysitt 2day iam so sick n tired of babysittin i never get a break from this particular person its like im not this kid parent yall both wanna go out yall better huttle up n work a schedule out sh!t lol
anyways i may leave n go out or i may not but....sumthin tells me this is gona be along nite..well ima go now but ill sumthin lataz piece readerz!!
morning mess
lets see wut did i do 2day...i was waken up early i mean 2 early 4 my soul 2 function by my mother who was sreamin 2 tha high heavens bout how its snowin n she aint goin 2 work n how sorry she was she woke my lil brother up but not me!
i mean come on i know i dnt go 2 a regular school ne more but can i get sum quiet sleep 4 a change n this mad house!
every morning i kid u not they wake me up early screamin from room 2 room n yall it aint like we shackin up n a mansion or sumthin lol therefore theres no need 2 be loud that early!
o anyway back on subject..so shes talkin on tha phone im hearin every word they sayin.yall i tried everything i put a pillow over my head i put my mp3 player on they were so loud they talked thru tha music lol.
so finally after an hour of this i just coudnt take it no more so i get up n go n tha kitchen where she was n i just had 2 tell her 2 shut up!naw im jokin my mama black i woudnt be able 2 make this post if i said that 2 her haha.but for real i did tell her 2 calm down on all that singin she was doin or should i say tryin 2 do..so finally peace at last yesssss!
wait a minute so after 30 mins of uninterrupted peacful almost back sleepness she comes n my room n asks me if i want ne breakfast.so hey i mean usually i have 2 fin 4 myself so i be nice n i say sure..15 mins go by n shes back i kid u not askin if i want my plate fixed..naw man im trynna sleep ill get it later do ppl not understand lol.
so finally i get up bout 20mins later n shes watchin her soaps that she records so i say 2 myself ima be irony rite now..i warm up my food slam tha microwave shut loudly slide tha kitchen chairs round go n stand nfront of tha tv then finally just slammin my door laughin haha!
a lil later in tha day my sister n nephew came over n we were all playin this really fun game called "phase 10" heard of it?if u havent u should really check it out its a really fun card game for tha whole fam(well who r of age)anyway so we're playin tha game then who shows up...my bestfriend yay straight from tha stl!im so xcited although all of my friends who went away 4 college r cumin back shes tha 1 im most xcited 2 c sorry guys i still luv yall*mauh*they kno tha history me n her have we're practically like fam i mean hey we did live 2gethere!
so tha nite goes on we play a couple games of phase 10 n im sad 2 say i didnt win either games im usually good at it b/t me n yall i let them win so dnt go gettin ne ideas!!!!!
after that we watched "step brothers"ha its such a funny movie every1 should c trust me ull l-u-v it!
well its gettin on 2 be midnite here so ill post some more of our next few days 2gether till then ima go hit tha showers then fall fast asleep n my cozy 4 1 bed that is i hope...haha
o wut a nite

changes of my hair
so over tha past few wks ive been kinda bored with my hair and annoyed at tha fact that my hair is well over 2 different color browns. so my mom tells me 2 pick up a bottle of dye n dye my hair jet black..hmm so i did..n not wantin 2 bother her i decided 2 do it ALL by myself n wut happend..
my whole rite side dyed jet black tha top of my left side dyed but tha bottom of my rite is still all sorts of brown damn stubborn hair..
so now i have 2 walk around here with two-toned color hair 4 tha next 2 wks...lol all n all i absolutly love my (well tha parts that dyed) jet black its gonna be a keeper!
*ill post pics lata im 2 lazy rite now lol*